Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Lucky Children Of Sierra Leone

Today I managed to break away from work for a bit while eating my lunch ; a hearty container of pickled herring, a real manly meal- fish(uncooked?), vinegar, onions, and some other stuff that I don't know what it was but tastes good anyways.

Looking through the news I nearly dropped my fish! Some "not news" made it into the news, "Child mortality highest in Sierra Leone." Is anyone really surprised? and now the bigger question, "Is this a bad thing?"

270 our of 1,000 kids of Sierra Leone are likely to die before the age of 5. I like to look at it on the bright side. 27% of the kids are lucky enough to die young!

I would think the other people of Sierra Leone would be jealous of their early demise and consider the children selfish. The kids will avoid being caught in civil war, going blind of malnutrition, not get AIDS from sex with nor chip-beast, the list goes on and on!

"Blessed are the children" the other must think. Or "why couldn't that Malaria carrying mosquito, or lethal diarhea have struck me down before all the torments of life in Africa took its ugly toll on me, or even worse, Sally fucking Struthers!"

If people are dumb enough to live in this shithole, should we really feel bad for them? Evolve people!


Tequila Mockingbird said...

vile. your pickled herring is disgusting. even that fat ass sally strothers doesnt eat that.

Mike said...

pickled herring rocks my boat. And here I thought that Tequila was into fish?